This episode covers immigrant and refugee mental health with not one, not two but three experts in the field: Dr. Lisa Andermann, Dr. Clare Pain, and Norma Hannant.
PsychEd Episode 27: Serotonin Pharmacology: From SSRIs to Psychedelics with Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris
In this episode, we begin to explore the neurobiology of the serotonin system — along with key pharmacological agents (SSRIs and classical psychedelics) that act on this system — with guest expert Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris, a neuroscientist and head of the Centre for Psychedelic Research at Imperial College London.
Statement on Diversity and Equity
Here at PsychEd, we value the importance of diverse perspectives, experiences, and opinions on our team and within the field of psychiatry.
While this has long been a key component of our mandate, we feel that now more than ever it is vital to stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and hold ourselves accountable to these commitments. To this end, we are sharing the following diversity and inclusion efforts, which are part of our Diversity and Equity policy, with you in the hopes that we can engage in meaningful dialogue around these important issues.
PsychEd Episode 26: Nutritional Psychiatry with Dr. Laura LaChance
PsychEd Episode 25: Understanding Attachment with Dr. Diane Philipp
PsychEd Episode 24: COVID-19 and Medical Learner Wellness with Dr. Deanna Chaukos
PsychEd Episode 23: Autism Spectrum Disorder with Dr. Melanie Penner, Dr. Yona Lunsky, and Dr. Mitesh Patel
PsychEd Episode 22: Psycho-Oncology Assessments with Dr. Elie Isenberg-Grzeda
This episode is an introduction to the subspecialty of psychosocial oncology, focusing on 10 key content areas that you want to supplement your general psychiatric interview with. Along the way, we discuss the history of the field, contemporary controversies, and useful interviewing techniques that can help with history collection, therapeutic alliance, and formulation.
PsychEd Episode 21: Motivational Interviewing with Dr. Wiplove Lamba
This episode covers Motivational Interviewing (MI) with Dr. Wiplove Lamba (staff psychiatrist), Dr. Anees Bahji (PGY5 resident), and Dr. Marlon Danilewitz (PGY5 resident) who we caught up with after their workshop on MI at the CPA annual conference in Quebec City. In addition to learning the basics about MI, Alex also volunteered to do a real-play with Dr. Lamba to demonstrate some MI techniques (and all in one take!).
PsychEd Episode 20: Understanding rTMS with Dr. Jonathan Downar
This episode covers repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) with Dr. Jonathan Downar, a world expert and leading researcher on rTMS, and clinical fellow Dr. Jean-Phillippe Miron. In addition to learning the basics about rTMS, you will also be listening to Henry Barron’s first-hand experience with non-therapeutic rTMS treatment to help bring some of the learning principles to life.
PsychEd Episode 19: Applying Mental Health Legislation with Kendra Naidoo
PsychEd Episode 18: Assessing Suicide Risk with Dr. Juveria Zaheer
PsychEd Episode 17: The Psychiatric Interview with Dr. Juveria Zaheer
PsychEd Episode 16: Biopsychosocial Formulation with Dr. Erin Carter
PsychEd Episode 15: Managing Aggression and Agitation with Dr. Jodi Lofchy
PsychEd Episode 14: Diagnosis and Treatment of PTSD with Dr. Dana Ross
PsychEd Episode 13: Psychiatric Rehabilitation with Dr. Abraham Rudnick
PsychEd Episode 12: Treatment of Schizophrenia Part IV Advanced Principles of Schizophrenia Treatment with Dr. Gary Remington
This episode is our fourth and final episode in our mini-series on schizophrenia. In this episode, we take an advanced look at the clinical management of schizophrenia, including a discussion of treatment-resistant schizophrenia and clozapine. Warning: this content in this episode is a little bit more advanced than usual, but also ultra interesting.